Monday, June 9, 2014

Vacation Fun

Three weeks ago my family started a 4000 mile road trip to see Mount Rushmore and meet some of our relatives. We brought one LEGO person for each member of our family to take pictures with. Here are some of the pictures that we took of them on our vacation.

Some of my favorite shots were with my little guy and his camera (My mom bought this LEGO camera especially for the trip!).  I have pictures of his at the Dr. Pepper museum.  And then there is a photo of him at our new favorite restaurant...Pops...on Route 66 in Oklahoma.  And, finally a picture with the entire crew at the famous Mt. Rushmore.
My brother is going to share more of these pictures on his LEGO blog as well.

Another tip I have for you:  When you take pictures on your vacation you should take a picture of a sign or something else like that to show where you are. That way you don't forget the location where the picture was taken.

Next time I will show you other pictures I took on our 4000 mile road trip.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Sun set

Hello again  last night I went out after getting ready for bed to take pictures of the sun set. I think I took them a little late for them to look really nice but I think they turned out OK. I hope you like these pictures.

Sun set pictures are hard because you have to take them at the right time or they don't look good and the sun set happens really fast. There is also the possibility that your camera wont get all the colors right so the pictures don't look as beautiful as the real sun set.

Next time I will do a blog about my vacation.